
November 30, 2011

Gingerbread House

This year I took part in my first gingerbread display, after starting my house in October it was fun to finally see the finished product.

With lots of help from the queen of gingerbread(my mother-in-law) my house was put together.

If any of you are attempting to put together a large gingerbread house, make sure the air is dry or you have a dehumidifier. I decorated all the pieces before I put it together and by the time it was ready to put together the gingerbread softened up so much it would have claps.

After a few days around the dehumidifier it was ready to be assembled. But that's not the only problem we ran into. After getting the house set up at the display, they discovered that apparently it was to dry in the room, so they ran humidifiers, seriously...this stuff is finicky.

What do you think? It's always fun to build a gingerbread house around the get to work, I want to see your piece of art!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is so cool! Way to go :) And I love the Toy Story finger puppets--cute!
